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Privacy policy
Last update: October 6th, 2023
Scope Of Application, Personal Data, Protection Of Privacy
  1. This privacy policy solely applies to the websites of iStaging Corp., a Taiwan corporation, with a principal place of business at 2F, No. 2, Sec. 4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105, Taiwan (R.O.C.)– under .Hereby all visitors and users of  (hereinafter “user”) can read and understand the privacy practices and principles of privacy protections and how iStaging handles their data, in particular the extent and purpose of the elicitation of personal and other data.
  2. Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable person which can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, economic, cultural or social identify of that natural person.
  3. iStaging is obliged to protect the privacy of all users of Personal data will only be collected and processed, if it is legally permitted or if the user has explicitly and freely agreed to the processing of data for one or more specific purposes. iStaging ensures that personal data will only be processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner regarding the data subject in accordance with the data protection laws of Taiwan and solely for the purposes defined under § 2 and the following paragraphs. When offering its services or goods to individuals within the EU, iStaging conforms to GDPR on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
Types of information we collect
  1. When you visit our website, in order to use the websites and the online services (hereinafter “services”) offered by iStaging under Merely access data without any personal reference are being stored such as
    • the name of your internet access provider,
    • the internet site the user is coming from and
    • the names of the requested files and their request date.
    • Your IP addresses
    • Your device user agents (e.g. browser type)
  2. Personal data is collected by iStaging in the course of orders of goods and processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract; In the context of orders of goods by the user, iStaging collects, stores and processes the following personal data required for processing the contracts:
    • name
    • address
    • country
    • Phone Number
    • email address
    • data of chosen payment method.
  3. Personal data is collected by iStaging in the context of registration for the services of iStaging; including iStaging will require you to fill in your personal information (such as your name or telephone number) if you want to use the TourRing (real-time guidance) function. The owner of the link will thus be able to access your personal information and contact you furtherly. In the context of registration of the user, iStaging collects, stores, and processes the following personal data required for registration:
    • name
    • Phone Number
    • email address
  4. Personal Data is collected when users use our one-to-one chat, request information or similar functionality, where we need to get your contact information for further contact purpose; In the context of contacting the user, iStaging collects, stores and processes the following personal data:
    • name
    • Phone Number
    • email address
    • other contact information provided by the user, For any collection of personal data by payment service operators, only those companies offering the particular payment service are responsible
How Do We Process Your Data
  1. Cloud Services, in order to provide better services, the personal data we collected are stored and processed on iStaging's servers that are located within the United States and Japan. The hosting providers are Google via its Google Cloud Platform service and Amazon Web Service; Google’s headquarters is located at: VERONIQUE BORDES - MOUNTAIN VIEW CA 94043 - UNITED STATES and the headquarters of the Ireland subsidiary where the data is stored: GORDON HOUSE DUBLIN 4 - BARROW STREET - IRELAND. Google can be reached by email at: [email protected]. Website: Amazon Web Services is headquartered in Seattle, 410 Terry Ave N, United States and can be reached at
  2. We use your data when provide you with our products, services or other 3rd party products and services, and keep usage data when you use our products and services.
  3. We use your contact data to communicate with you about your orders with us and when provide our customer services.
  4. Beyond processing the transaction, iStaging uses the collected and stored personal data in order to communicate with the user regarding his orders, certain products or marketing measures and in order to recommend products that the user might be interested in, subject to the user’s right to object thereof at any time.

    The user regularly receives product recommendations via email. This service will be operated regardless of the newsletter service. By this means, the user shall get access to information about iStaging products that may interest him on the basis of his last purchase.
  5. iStaging collects, stores and processes all personal data collected in the context of orders of goods for the purpose of purchase processing, including any potential subsequent warranties, for IStaging ’s services, for the technical administration as well as for iStaging ’s own marketing purposes, subject to the user’s right to object thereof at any time.

    As far as it is necessary for the purpose of processing the purchase or if the user has explicitly agreed to it, personal data will be shared or otherwise transferred to third parties. For example, in the context of handling the orders certain service providers (logisticians, carriers, banks) chosen by iStaging shall receive all necessary data for handling the order. The service providers chosen by iStaging must exclusively use all shared personal data in order to fulfil their task. Any further usage is not permitted and none of the service providers will exceed their authority.
  6. In order to provide personized content, we use your personal data to personalize content and experiences in our website and services;
  7. Provide you with targeted advertising based on your activity on our sites and applications and on third-party sites and applications;
  8. Within the limits of their respective attributions, the following third parties may have access to personal data:
    • The authorized staff of the marketing department, sales department, guest service, administrative, logistics and IT services of iStaging;
    • The authorized personnel of iStaging’s subcontractors (for example the suppliers providing services regarding data analysis, order fulfillment, postal services etc.), noting that iStaging ensures that they show serious guarantees of security and confidentiality of the personal data submitted to them;
    • The authorized staff of the internal services in charge of the control.
Storage of panoramas and files during usage
Beyond that, iStaging stores and processes data voluntarily uploaded by the user who explicitly consented to their processing, during the use of iStaging ’s services, such as
  • images
  • panoramas
  • other files
  • other data connected to these panoramas or files, for example geographic coordinates of the panoramas taken .
The panoramas and other files will be stored on iStaging ’s servers (§ 2 III). Any transfer or other transmission to any third party will only be made by the user herself/himself, for example by sharing or posting in social media platforms. iStaging has no influence on the data processing by those social media platform providers.
Retention Period Of The Personal Data
  1. The user’s personal data will not be stored beyond the time limit strictly necessary to the specific purposes for which it was collected.
  2. However, iStaging will keep such data for the purpose of analyzing or compiling aggregated statistics, for a duration exceeding the time necessary for the purposes for which it was collected, after irreversibly anonymizing them.
  3. The data used for commercial prospecting purposes will be retained for a maximum period of three (3) years from the end of our commercial relationship, subject to the user’s right to object thereof.
Cookies, Storage, Consent
Furthermore, iStaging uses cookies during the visit of It may occur that third party content such as videos are embedded on For access of this content, it is necessary to disclose the user’s IP address to the third party provider.

  1. Cookies without reference to online advertisement
    iStaging places so-called cookies that are necessary for iStaging's services on Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer and which your browser stores. Cookies do not contain personal data. Beside others they serve the purpose to verify the user’s authority for the request of the desired article or for online services, and to store the user's input on our website (login session cookie, shopping basket cookie, security cookie). After closing your web browser, most of the cookies iStaging uses will be deleted from the user's hard disk ("session-cookies"). The so-called"permanent cookies" remain on the user's computers, devices and enable iStaging to identify him on his next visit.
  2. Tracking Cookies, Onsite Targeting, Retargeting
    Beyond that, iStaging places so-called "Cookies" or code snippets in order to create online advertisements adjusted to the user and his interests for so-called onsite-targeting and re-targeting. In this process, available data will be used, such as
    • information about the computer and the connection to the internet,
    • operating system and platform,
    • order history, service history,
    • date and time of the visit on, and
    • products the user viewed.
    • iStaging uses data stored by placing cookies to create advertisements adjusted to the user and his interests (so-called Onsite-Targeting). iStaging uses these information solely in pseudonymized form to improve its internet service as well as to send individual advertisement interesting and necessary for the user.
    • iStaging cooperates with external partners to place and optimize inherent or external insertions of advertisements. iStaging uses data stored by placing cookies to create advertisements on websites of third parties adjusted to the user and his interests (so-called Re-Targeting). This form of advertising is entirely pseudonymous. No personal data will be stored by placing cookies will be joined with personal data.
    • For the purpose of re-targeting, iStaging transfers data stored by placing cookies to the following service providers.
    • The user explicitly agrees to the usage of cookies by iStaging and collection, storage and use of usage data for marketing purposes of onsite- and re-targeting described under (2.). The user further agrees to data storage in cookies for longer than the browser session and a recall of them during his next visit. In any event, the lifetime of these cookies will not exceed thirteen (13) months.
  3. Prevention from Cookies
    The user has the opportunity of preventing the storage of cookies on his computer by making appropriate changes to his browser settings which however may limit the functionality of the offer. Users can always deactivate the storage of cookies on their browser, limit the storage to only certain websites or change their settings so that the browser will notify them before a cookie is stored. Users can delete cookies from their hard disk at any time by using the data protection functions of their browser. In this case, the functionality and user-friendliness of could be limited
Collection Of Data For Payment Processing
For payment processing iStaging uses the following external payment processors:
  • Stripe
  • Paypal
  • Alipay
  • Payment via credit card
iStaging hereby emphasizes that the chosen payment processor may collect, process and use further personal data. Insofar iStaging is not responsible; the terms of use and privacy policies of the aforesaid payment service providers shall apply exclusively.
External Web Analysis Services / Social Plugins
  1. Google Analytics
    For its website iStaging uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View CA 94043, USA (in the following "Google").

    Google Analytics uses “cookies” (§ 6) that allow the analysis of the user’s utilization of the website. Information about your use of this website generated by the cookie (including your IP address) will be transferred to and saved on any server of Google in the US.

    Following the information given by Google, these information are only used in order to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on the website activity for the website providers and to provide further services related to the use of the website and the internet. If necessary, Google may as well transfer those information to third parties, if it is prescribed by law or if third parties process those data on behalf of Google. Not in any case, Google will relate your IP address to other data of Google. You can prevent the installation of cookies by making appropriate changes to your browser settings. In that case, iStaging emphasizes that you may not be able to use all features of this website to the full extent.

    Your visit on is currently recorded by Google-Analytics.

    By using the user agrees to the processing of all data collected by Google described as outlined above and for the above-stated purpose.

    The consent to collection and storage of data may be withdrawn for the future at any time under this link.

    iStaging would like to point out that this website uses Google Analytics with the extension “anonymize IP” so that IP addresses are only processed further in abbreviated form to prevent them from being directly linked to a particular individual.
  2. Facebook
    iStaging has integrated an embedded program (Plugin) on of the third party provider Facebook, Inc., 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. The Facebook-plugins may be recognized by the Facebook-logo or the "like button" (like) on our website.

    Further information on Facebook plugins may be found under this link.

    If users visit iStaging"s website, a direct connection between their browser and the Facebook server will be established via the plug-in. Thereby Facebook receives the information that the IP address at this time allocated to your computer or to your internet connection has visited the website

    If users click the Facebook "like-button" whilst logged in with their Facebook account, they can link the contents of iStaging's websites to their Facebook profile. In this way, Facebook can allocate the visit of these websites to your user account. iStaging does not have any knowledge of the content of the transferred data as well as its usage by Facebook. Further information on this may be found in the privacy policy of Facebook.

    If you do not wish for Facebook to allocate the visit of our websites with your Facebook account, please logout from your Facebook account
User's Rights
  1. Each user has the right to withdraw his given consent at any time, for the future, to the collection, storage, processing and usage of personal data or usage data i.e. for marketing purposes or object to the receiving of advertisement. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
  2. Each user may request confirmation from iStaging as to whether his personal data is being processed. iStaging will ensure access to that personal data and provide the user with a copy of the data upon request. iStaging will provide information concerning i.e. the purpose of the processing, the categories of data that are being processed, the recipients of the, the type of processing (automated or not).
  3. If the user discovers errors in the personal data that is being processed by iStaging, he has the right to rectification of the data without undue delay. Likewise, the data subject has the right to complete the data if it is incomplete.
  4. Each user has the right to request from iStaging the erasure of personal data concerning him without undue delay where one of the following grounds applies: (i) processing is no longer necessary for the intended purpose, (ii) the user objects to the processing and withdraws its consent, (iii) the user objects to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing; (iv) the processing is unlawful; (v) erasure is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation; or (vi) when the data concerns a child and has been collected via information society services.
  5. Instead of requesting erasure, each user may also request a restriction of the processing of personal data, in the event that the personal data is inaccurate, unlawful or pending a decision on a complaint lodged by the user.
  6. Each user is allowed to request that iStaging provides a copy of the data concerned in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format in order to transmit these data to another controller of choice without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided in the first place.
  7. Any of these rights shall be exercised by giving informal notification via email to [email protected]. or via air mail to iStaging Corp., 2F, No.2, Sec.4, Nanjing E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105, Taiwan (R.O.C.).
Notification of Breach
  1. In the event of a personal data breach, iStaging shall report without undue delay and, where feasible, no later than 72 hours after having become aware of it, notify the personal data breach to the data protection authority competent, unless the personal data breach is unlikely to result in a risk to the user’s rights and freedoms.
  2. Where a personal data breach is likely to result in a high risk to the rights and freedoms of a user, iStaging shall communicate the breach to that user without undue delay. No notification shall be necessary where any of the following conditions have already been met: (i) technical and organizational measures have been applied to the personal data which will render it unintelligible to unauthorized persons (such as encryption); (ii) steps have been taken to ensure the originally high risk is no longer likely to materialize; or (iii) to notify each data subject would involve disproportionate effort, in which case a public communication or other method of information is used which would inform the affected data subjects in similarly effective manner.
  3. A personal data breach occurs when a breach of security leads to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.
Right To Lodge A Complaint With A Supervisory Authority
Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, any user shall have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority, in particular that of his habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged breach.
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愛實境股份有限公司|統一編號 25115795
版權所有 © 2024 iStaging Corp.